Goal-Oriented Social Media Marketing: Defining Clear Objectives

1. Plan For Your Blog Posts
Planning is an important ingredient for success. So, plan before starting a blog. Plan for the content, what type of audiences you would be targeting, plan your goals. Schedule your time to achieve your goals. Plan for the tools to be used for optimization. If you want to be a successful blogger, then your planning should be strong.

2. Research The SEO Focused Keyword
Sharon Hayward says: "Don't just start writing; start by researching". Initiate your SEO-based blog writing by researching. Keywords research should be done properly as it is an essential component of SEO. A lot of tools and techniques are used for finding keywords. Google Adwords keyword tools and various others offer great search and allow you to find SEO focus keywords. Utilizing the tools one can find what keywords their competitors are using.

3. Learn How To Add Keywords To The Blog Effectively.
Once you have searched the keywords then you must learn how to add keywords to the blog. Keywords must be used with proper care and without stuffing. Most bloggers just do stuffing of keywords, which ultimately irritates the readers and make their piece monotonous. The timing, perfect use, and continuity of writing matter a lot. Use the valuable and relevant keywords in place of the title, main headings, sub-headings, introductory sentence, title tags, conclusion, last paragraph, meta descriptions, etc.

4. Focus The Key Phrase
Now you know the utility of keywords and traffic gaining techniques, so focus on the key phrase, sentences, and words. The focus phrase out of all the keywords, that have high demand, have high frequency but its competition is low. This phrase would be the connector between you and the user. It would be the most frequently searched and user-focused.
Then check how effectively you have used your keywords if you are utilizing all in one SEO plugin. For this purpose use the latent semantic indexing (LSI) keywords, which will tell your keywords utility and demand. The most simple and easy way to check is by typing your focus keywords in the Google search engine and you will know yours in the list of related searches.

5. Choose a Strong Title
Also, make your writing look perfect and strong by incorporating SEO-focused keywords in your blog. Choose the title out of the given keywords but it should be a comprehensive search query that compels readers to open your blog. The self-explanatory tiles are mostly preferred because they play a decisive role in your ranking by increasing the click-through rates (CTR).

6. Link Your Posts
We know that cross-linking is a beneficial way of promoting your piece of writings and gaining traffic to your pages. Linking pages will keep your user busy on your website. It is also for user's guide and eases to get a deep analysis of their required topic and beneficial for you as well. For proper linking create your URL with proper consideration. Your URL will help you in ranking and will provide significant experience to your user. Include external and internal links in your writings to help the search engine find your pages with ease as well. Moreover, they will define the architecture of your website

7. Make Your Content Visually Appealing
Improve the readability of your content and enhance its look by adding pictures, graphics, images, and charts. This technique will not only increase the user's understanding but also traffic on your page. After all, we are writing for a better connection with our target audience.

8. Use Simple Language and Short Sentences
Your writing style should be understood by a fifteen-year-old as well. Thus simple writing and short sentences make your content more attractive and easily understandable. It is proven that the pages with clear ideas, simple style, and short sentences rank higher than those with complex languages.

9. Addition of HTML Meta Tag
Another way to make an SEO-friendly blog is to create a unique HTML meta tag. This tag is a short description that appears on a google search engine for the readers, crawlers, and other search tools. A good meta description box will explain the main theme and gives the best idea of the whole article.

10. Use of Headings
Use headings to categorize your content. Categories help you to divide into sections and just like a book, it will help the readers to understand all the parts of the whole blog. The best navigating tools for the reader are headings and subheadings. It will minimize the complexity of content and gives a proper structure to your blog. Moreover, it will help you in SEO as well.

11. Make Comprehensive Blog Posts
One of the best ways to make an SEO pro article is to make a comprehensive blog post, along with the optimization of previous posts. Include all the aspects of your topics. Reference others and type your unique ideas as well. Your blog posts should be complete and coherent.

12. Become a part of the Featured snippet
Feature snippet is that part of the answer which contains a short snap or picture when you type a query in the google search box. These snippets improve your content's approach ability and make it easier for the crawler to lift it.

13. Editorial Calendar Building
Editorial calendar building is the process of scheduling your posts and properly enlisting your topics. This will ease the search engine and the readers both. Thus enhancing your visibility.

14. Natural Optimization is Necessary
Never forget that you are not just writing for your reader but also for the Google crawler. Therefore, the keywords should be added to your writing by maintaining your flow of thoughts. Your writing and keywords should be aligned perfectly. They should become an essential part of your writings, without them, your piece should look incomplete. Thus main a natural optimization as well. If

15. Creative, Captivating, and Updated Content

The best tip for a perfect blog is to create unique, compelling, and creative content. Utilize the SEO focus keywords in the best possible way to make your writing perfect for SEO. Keep adding the new content to your website. The regularly updated content increases the readers. As people always look for recent trends

Do not post content without any attractiveness, your post must have some kind of impact on the readers. Therefore, create more informative high-quality content with greater coherence, symmetry, continuity, and compactness. Writing and posting regularly will enhance your traffic and you would get a competitive edge on your competitors as well. So, make your posting schedule as well to connect with the readers effectively. By now, you might get an idea of how do blogs help SEO.


I'm all for your journey towards financial independence because I truly believe in being financially independence is the true freedom of our society. I've learned a lot of the ins and outs about internet marketing over the past 18 years.

All of the investing of countless hours (up all night and dragging thru the day job) and over $10,000 hard earned dollars to "Learn" the various million dollar over night methods, and systems to only find the next new scheme in my inbox before even giving the others time to work.

Now, I want to pass on the strategies that have actually worked for me. Although there's plenty of free marketing information available online, my advice is based on real-world success. I can guarantee that the proven techniques I share with my friends will help also help you reach your goals.

I hope this helps you out and answers some question and if it didn't please go to support@makinginboxmoney.com and ask any question you have... remember the dumbest questions is the one not asked.


Am Looking Forward To Your Success!

Kent Brown



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